As I'm not one of those scream+ cheer fanatically fan (no offence to those who do, just different preferences^^), I always wondered how come the most pricey ticket has got to be the Rock Zone ticket instead of seated-comfortably ticket....But hey, since it's FOC, I have no right to complain right?? Especially it's Kelly who's famed for her powerful vocal we are talking about here^~^
The concert started at 8pm & after my concerted previous experiences from concert,I reached at about 7.50pm & entered the stadium at 8pm sharp!!!
Indeed, it's a wise choice since I'm just in time to catch their Special Guest Appearance of Jaclyn Victor from Malaysian Idol who belted out the beautiful "Gemilang" & Suki from One In A Million who donned a stunning red designer gown and vowed the crowd with her solo violin performance. Both of them look gorgeous & are great singers^~^ They made Malaysians proud~~
Before the show started, still managed to curi-curi snap some pictures with my cellphone since CAMERA are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the compound...I saw many cameras being confiscated..There is even a guy who is being "ushered" out by the security guard because he was caught with a camera. Throughout the show, those security constantly kept watch & many were warned for snapping photos with their camera phone...duhhhhhh....I'm thinking hard on what's the logic behind that!!! All these peoples pay SO MUCH for their tickets but have NO RIGHT to take pictures of their favourite star to bring home as memories!!
The heat started to build up~~The anticipation is reaching to the MAX!!
All I Ever Wanted~~All I Ever Wanted.....Kelly Clarkson hit the stage with a black dress & legging with barefoot...FINALLY~~ She entertained the enthusiastic crowd with quite a number of her hits as well as covering a few other tracks by her favourite artists such as Alanis Morrisette^~^
By the way, Kelly also celebrated her 28th BUrfday which falls on that particular day with us!!! The show ended with the explosive "My Life Will Suck Without You"~~ All the fans went home with pumping adrenaline^~^